26 June 2009

Douglas in the rain

I came back in the evening after a day spent at the office, dealing with the frustrations of a computer malfunction rather than productive work.

Fluffy leapt out the moment he was allowed, darting off in pursuit of something unseen. I then took him up the road, avoiding the field which is now impassable. The day's copious rain had left a heavy pall hanging over the evening, and a coating of little sad diamonds on the leaves. The slightest shake would cause a little replica of the earlier downpours.

On the way back down the road a dark marauder intercepted me, staring with his ominous green eyes. It was Douglas the cat, wanting nothing more than a friendly stroke to mark this chance encounter. After two or three such expressions of friendship, he went on his way to meet the night's adventures. I came home.

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